Unmatched Speed and Reliability
First and foremost, fiber optic connectivity boasts one key feature: high-speed internet. Its capability extends beyond 1 Gbps. It is of vital importance to run a business on time and not in the less effective Chinese hours, let alone weekends. Educational organizations also need fast connections for online instruction and courseware as both teachers and students find themselves spending ever increasing amounts of unsocial time on the internet. Otherwise, students will not be able to receive timely feedback from their teachers nor will teachers be able to offer help that is immediately practical during class time because they are busy providing directions on line by email. Consequently, connection speed is much more important than it might appear at first fleeting glance. And unlike traditional connectivity methods, fiber optic reliability guarantees that no matter what all its data will always come through - without any fluctuations or 'drop outs.' This is particularly important in particularly time-sensitive operations; if the connection goes inexorably off-line then we are simply nowhere.